Sunday, September 27, 2015

Prioritizing During #LDSConf

Tweeting during general conference can be a fun way to interact and feel involved during the conference proceedings. But when it comes down to it, some things are more important than tweeting general conference. Before live-tweeting conference, I like to make sure I have my priorities straight. Here are some of the things that I've come to find that are important guidelines for me to follow.

The Speaker
Listening to the speaker, understanding the message that is being taught and pondering how to apply those teachings is more important than tweeting. If we are so focused on tweeting that we miss what is said, then we should reevaluate our condition. I know I've been guilty of this, so I try not to read tweets during conference, just write them.

The Spirit
If we aren't listening to the speaker, then we also are not showing our faith in a way that is conducive to revelation. Receiving personal revelation is one of the most important parts of participating in general conference. The Spirit can't speak to us if we aren't seeking it.

Perhaps the Spirit will tell you to stop tweeting an pay attention to a particular part, or perhaps you've felt that you should not tweet during conference at all. That is just fine. No one is obligated to tweet during conference, or ever for that matter. On the other hand, perhaps the Spirit will prompt you to share a particular insight. We don't always know what will result from our actions, but we know that we can never go wrong by following the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

We should also not let Twitter distract us from what is gong on around us. I often watch general conference with my wife. If she ever needs my attention, I don't want to ever be so caught up in tweeting that I don't give it to her. I don't have kids, but whenever I do, I would not want to put social media before them. This practice doesn't just apply to general conference. Though I like to go back through and retweet and favorite tweets between sessions of general conference, I don't want to miss out on quality time bonding with my wifey.

When tweeting conference, there are also other things that might be distracting from the tweeting itself. 

It can be exciting when people are retweeting, favoriting, and replying to your tweets, but it's easy to get distracted from why we are tweeting conference if we start focusing on numbers. Of course these stats are interesting, but I recommend checking them after the session rather than during the session. Remember that tweeting during conference is not a popularity contest, and you don't always have to respond immediately to everyone.

Number of Followers
You may also find that as you are tweeting conference that people follow your twitter account. I've found myself getting distracted in the past looking at other people's profiles that have followed me. Trust me, they will still be following you when conference is over, and you can stalk them then.

Twitter Itself
Twitter is a social network on which people all over the world share their thoughts about a wide range of topics all the time. When I'm on twitter during general conference, I try to avoid reading through tweets about other topics.

Back to the guide!

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